Lau Wei Ling

Project 2: Community Library

Architectural design studio final project focus on the design of building in a urban site for the local community. The existing context of the place requires student to give attention to the surrounding context and community to design a community library for the local community.

The community library is a place of bringing the community together. From the site analysis, the Jalan Petaling site was rich in cultural and historical value. As time progress, the Chinese culture in the Petaling Street is fading as the foreign labourers are flooding and closing down of traditional Chinese business. The reducing size of Chinese community slowly take away the essence of 
Chinatown. Hence, the community library focus on bridging the gap between the young community and local Chinese community which might bring new possibilities to Chinatown. 

Progress Mock Up Models


Project 1: Preliminary Studies

Site Analysis and Documentation
The sites are located in Jalan Sultan and Jalan Petaling in Kuala Lumpur which is near to the Petaling Streets. The site is noted with rich cultural and historical value. The site analysis focus on the 5 elements of city and other architectonics. The site analysis should also gives attention to the surrounding building.

Precedent Studies
Precedent studies of the urban infill buildings and community library provide an insight of the building typology and spatial arrangement. The precedent studies of urban infill emphasize relationship between the building and site. The example of library focus on the response of programmatic function and neighbourhood. The analysis draws the idea of community library and urban infill which is useful for the assignment.

Urban Infill

Community Library

Project 2: Construction Solutions

In the second project, students were assigned to apply Building Technology knowledge with the design of spaces in the community library. As the construction technology changes rapidly with the progress of time, the construction material, construction details and construction method should be considered in the design of building.

In this assignment, I learnt to research about the new technology of construction for roof system, facade system and wall system. Other than that, the materials should be carefully considered as to respond to the building, site and climate condition. In a nutshell, I learnt to balance between design, context and materiality. Construction technology helps to increase the possibilities of building design. In addition, building design should not be compromised by the limit of technology, while the design should also fit into the context as well. 

Project 1: Industrialised Building System

For the first assignment of Building Technology module, students are assigned to developed a construction model using Industrialised Building System (IBS). The model comprises of the structural, wall and floor components which test the knowledge and understanding of students on Industrialised Building System. As IBS is different than conventional construction, our group did research on prefabricated building components from organisations and company. As the result, we produced a video of the IBS construction which shows the IBS design, IBS construction component and construction process.

Enhancing the Street Community

Community Service Initiative is a module that focus on service learning which aims to foster sense of care and concern of students for the community and world issue.

From the assignment, I learnt to tackle the community issue critically and develop idea to solve the issue of the community. Considerations should be given to the community that lives in the surrounding. In the case, the site is begin to be commercialised and the connection between people are getting weaker. Solving the issues found in the community and bringing a change to the street scene can enhance the environment of the community. To bring back the awareness and attention of the people back to the surroundings, the community would be a better place.

Our group decided to create a street furniture to create a public space and also resting spots for the community, Its modular design also allow it to be flexible to set up. We tested the street furniture on the site and receives good responses from the passerby. We learnt about the influences of design of places on the environment of the street.

In overall, it was a fruitful experience to be able to participate in the project.

Food and Culture

The module "Food and Culture" explore and investigate the relationship between food culture and architectural spaces. The module helps to improve critical thinking and analytical skills by research and experiencing culture of places. The assignment is divided into 3 parts to analyse the idea of food culture and architectural spaces in depth.

Part 1: Research Proposal
In the first part of the assignment, I look into the aspect of food waste in relation to architectural space and culture. As known, food waste is a common topic in society. Food waste is related to food preparation, consuming and handling which influences the settings of different spaces. The food waste also may affect the environment of the place. 

Part 2: Experience and Capture
As proposed in the part 1, the topic is research at the site Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. Groups are formed among the class. The research is conducted by combining 4 different topics in the group. To collect the video footage of the research, our group recorded the scenes found in Pudu which related to Food and Culture.

Part 3: Interpretation and Analysis
After the research and analysis, the food waste indeed influence the culture of human behavior in architectural spaces and places. Pudu has all the good and ugly in responding to the food waste matter. As a result of the interpretation of the cultural aspect related to waste, I uses photobook to present the food and culture. 

Synopsis Reaction Paper

To strengthen the theoretical understanding on issues of Urbanism and Architecture, additional readings are given to student to produce synopsis in the form of reaction paper. Students are able to identify and analyse the main issues stated in the papers.

From the tasks given, I am able to think critically and relate the issues mentioned to the reality.

Life Between Building: Using of Public Space

The module Theory of Architecture and Urbanism involves in study of Urbanism and the students were to study on the ideas related to "Life Between Building: Using of Public Space" by Jan Gehl. From the studies, we were to complete two parts of the assignment to research and analyse on Public Spaces.

Part 1: Case Study

Our group was assigned to analyse a city based on the reading given "Life between Buildings." The reading shaped our concept on activities happened outdoor under different circumstances. Based on the learning, we derives the information about Philadelphia from online platform and analyse the information obtained.

From this assignment, I understand the connection between conditions of outdoor with contact intensity of the people. 

Part 2: Comparative Essay


In the second part of the assignment, students were required to compared the regions chosen from Philadephia city to Kuala Lumpur city. The comparative essay required thorough studies on the sites chosen to understand the different of urbanism in different regions. The geographical, cultural and historical aspects shapes the living of the people in the city by its activities and social pattern. From this assignment, I further developed my knowledge on urbanism and architecture.

Project 2: Integration Project

After the analysis and evaluation in the first project, I am able to apply the theory into the Design Studio project at design phase to understand the lighting design best. From this project, I am aware about PSALI system when design the spaces in the building to achieve sustainability and energy efficiency. The project helped me to develop knowledge and informed about the lighting design in the building with different requirement and conditions.

Project 1: Lighting & Acoustic Performance Evaluation and Design

The first project of the Building Science 2 module, our group were assigned to a site chosen to carried out analysis on the lighting and acoustic evaluation analysis. The tasks applied lighting and acoustical knowledge learnt in the semester into practical use.

Where Else Cafe was chosen as the study subject for its unique colour and settings of the place which is unusual among cafe. The site makes it an interesting experience on analysis due to the richness of lighting and acoustical device implemented in the building.

By learning the analytical skills of lighting and acoustic, our group are able to understand better how the lighting and acoustic works in a space which will further develop our design skills and knowledge. The project is beneficial to the understanding of spaces and behavior of people which leads to different needs of lighting and acoustic in a space. I learnt to be informed about the situation and activities of the space which leads to different settings of a space. Thus, better implementation of lighting and acoustic can be used in the future for design or renovation of a space.