Lau Wei Ling

Enhancing the Street Community

Community Service Initiative is a module that focus on service learning which aims to foster sense of care and concern of students for the community and world issue.

From the assignment, I learnt to tackle the community issue critically and develop idea to solve the issue of the community. Considerations should be given to the community that lives in the surrounding. In the case, the site is begin to be commercialised and the connection between people are getting weaker. Solving the issues found in the community and bringing a change to the street scene can enhance the environment of the community. To bring back the awareness and attention of the people back to the surroundings, the community would be a better place.

Our group decided to create a street furniture to create a public space and also resting spots for the community, Its modular design also allow it to be flexible to set up. We tested the street furniture on the site and receives good responses from the passerby. We learnt about the influences of design of places on the environment of the street.

In overall, it was a fruitful experience to be able to participate in the project.