Lau Wei Ling

Food and Culture

The module "Food and Culture" explore and investigate the relationship between food culture and architectural spaces. The module helps to improve critical thinking and analytical skills by research and experiencing culture of places. The assignment is divided into 3 parts to analyse the idea of food culture and architectural spaces in depth.

Part 1: Research Proposal
In the first part of the assignment, I look into the aspect of food waste in relation to architectural space and culture. As known, food waste is a common topic in society. Food waste is related to food preparation, consuming and handling which influences the settings of different spaces. The food waste also may affect the environment of the place. 

Part 2: Experience and Capture
As proposed in the part 1, the topic is research at the site Pudu, Kuala Lumpur. Groups are formed among the class. The research is conducted by combining 4 different topics in the group. To collect the video footage of the research, our group recorded the scenes found in Pudu which related to Food and Culture.

Part 3: Interpretation and Analysis
After the research and analysis, the food waste indeed influence the culture of human behavior in architectural spaces and places. Pudu has all the good and ugly in responding to the food waste matter. As a result of the interpretation of the cultural aspect related to waste, I uses photobook to present the food and culture.