Lau Wei Ling

Life Between Building: Using of Public Space

The module Theory of Architecture and Urbanism involves in study of Urbanism and the students were to study on the ideas related to "Life Between Building: Using of Public Space" by Jan Gehl. From the studies, we were to complete two parts of the assignment to research and analyse on Public Spaces.

Part 1: Case Study

Our group was assigned to analyse a city based on the reading given "Life between Buildings." The reading shaped our concept on activities happened outdoor under different circumstances. Based on the learning, we derives the information about Philadelphia from online platform and analyse the information obtained.

From this assignment, I understand the connection between conditions of outdoor with contact intensity of the people. 

Part 2: Comparative Essay


In the second part of the assignment, students were required to compared the regions chosen from Philadephia city to Kuala Lumpur city. The comparative essay required thorough studies on the sites chosen to understand the different of urbanism in different regions. The geographical, cultural and historical aspects shapes the living of the people in the city by its activities and social pattern. From this assignment, I further developed my knowledge on urbanism and architecture.