Lau Wei Ling

Precedent Studies and Analysis Part 1

I was assigned to did a precedent studies and analysis on Temple of Hatshepsut with my fellow groupmates. The first part of the assignment required us to choose to do research on the question given. The following is the question given and the research done.

4. What is the purpose of the building? (LAU WEI LING 0315389)

The purpose of Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut is to serves as Queen Hatshepsut's mortuary cult. Besides that, the temple was built to worship the god chosen by Queen Hatshepsut, which is God Amum following by God Anubis and Goddess Hathor.
The temple consisted relief paintings that was made during the reign of the Queen. These reliefs function to support her claim over the throne of ancient Egypt when she co-regent with her half brother's son, Thutmose III. An example of the existing reliefs are The divine Birth of Hatshepsut and the Punt expedition.
Dunn, J. (n.d.). The Royal Cults of the Kings of Ancient Egypt. (2011, August 4). Retrieved September 23, 2014. from Tour Egypt website:, J. (2010, January 1). Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple. Retrieved September 23, 2014, from Ancient Egypt Online Website: Temple of Hatshepsut. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2014 from website :
Seidel, M., & Schulz, R. (2005). Egypt. Köln: Könemann.
The 'co-regency' of Hatshepsut and Thutmose III in the light of iconography in the temple of Hatshepsut at Deir el-Bahari. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2014 from website :

6. What makes your building historical meaningful?

The uniqueness of the Mortuary Temple of Hatshepsut is the architectural elements used in the building by Senenmut. Colonnade is used widely in the design of the temple. Other than the columns built in the temple, he also built a hypostyle hall that makes the entrance of the Chapel of Hathor. Besides that, he also built a peristyle courtyard in the upper terrace that leads to the sanctuary of God Amum. These styles are great composition of using collumns which are architecturally significant. The temple is placed in a way that it is integrated well to the rock mountain. From the front elevation of the temple, the building gives a visual impact to the viewer as such the temple was growing out from the rock mountain


Hatshepsut's Temple by Senenmut at GreatBuildings. (n.d.). Retrieved September 23, 2014, from Great Building website:

Hill, J. (2010, January 1). Hatshepsut's Mortuary Temple. Retrieved September 23, 2014, from Ancient Egypt Online Website:

From this assignment, I learnt to search for information from different sources and refine it to obtain the most accurate information. Besides that, I am also able to work with my groupmate to find the information regarding the building and extract the information needed. It also challenged me to look into the building and analyse the functions of the building as ancient buildings have few information to be found. Lastly, I can learn about the important essence of the architecture and the spirit of the building in the ancient time. It creates a clear image about the purpose and function of the temple to help me to understand better about the temple.