Lau Wei Ling

Materiality of SPACE:Bubba Gump

For this assignment, I joined a group of 5 to do a site analysis about the building materials. The place we chose for the site visit is Bubba Gump located in Sunway Pyramid. For the individual assignment, I chose the reserved area to do the individual research on the sense of materiality.

I had gained a lot of knowledge about common building material used in the interior and exterior of a building, I can know about the chemical composition, properties and the advantage of using the specific material in the building from seeing, touching and even searching for the information. Other than that, I also learnt about the good documentation and arrangement of informations on a limited size of board with the help of photoshop. This helps me to produce a neat layout that improve the visual presenting skills.
Besides that, I had gained a better understanding in how the use of material can produce a different atmosphere in the building. It will definitely help me in choosing better material in producing aesthetics and different style of building in the future. Lastly, I am able to brush up my analytic skill to do research in different kind of material through this assignment.