Lau Wei Ling


The making progress of the cube.

The Cubes

Our class was assigned to create two cubes which are one paper cube and one wooden cube. I used the black mounting board to create the paper cube and bamboo chopstick to create the wooden cube.

From this assignment, I had a chance to experiment with various type of materials to create the cube. It was a good attempt for me to try to cut, test and assemble the material with the correct tool and glue. It helps me to understand better about the properties and the limitation of the material to produce the cubes. These factors can help me in choosing and differentiating various material in the future,

Apart from it, I was able to learn to develop design from different ideas and refine it. The design process helps me to develop creative thinking skills. I am also more capable in managing my time as making model trains our patience and time management to complete the model in short time.