Lau Wei Ling

TITAS trip

Our group went to Islamic Art Museum to conduct a research study on the Islam and Asia civilisation. It was a fruitful trip and we learnt about the clash of civilisation.

Finishing & Presentation

For the final assessment of the module, I was required to produce 3 presentation board for the model design in Design Studio 1 by using the drawing techniques learnt from the semester. For instance, I learnt about the essential of setting a good layout for the presentation. I had realised that a neat arrangement can let the viewer obtains the most important information in the first place. In conclusion, I had gained a lot of knowledge and experience on producing good drawings. I believed this will help me in improving my presentation skill.

Barcelona Pavilion Technical Drawing

Floor Plan
Elevations and Sections
Two Point Perspective
One Point Sectional Perspective

By drawing the technical drawings of Barcelone Pavilion, I learnt to use different drawing tools correctly and suitable drawing material. As such, I had to draw the drawing initially on a butter paper and traced it on a tracing paper with technical pens. This assignments taught me to differentiate different symbols used in technical drawing such as the section cut. I had learnt about various techniques to draw axonometrics and different perspective. This drawing techniques can be used to present the buildings in 3 dimensions as to show in the presentation in the future. Lastly, I also learnt to read the building from drawing and to use different drawing scales. This process is beneficial as my understanding technical drawings had improved throughout the assignment.

Tonal Value

Cross Hatching 
Horizontal Hatching

By using different drawing techniques, I learnt to sketch out the tonal value of each drawing. This is a difficult task for me as the sketches required me to patiently tone out the buildings with free hand drawing. This assignment brushed up my drawing skills by using tonal value .Other than that, I drew the sketches referring to an image. This indirectly helped me to learn about proportion and scale when drawing the image on another sketch.

Life Capsule

For this assignment, I formed a group with Kimberly Wong, Alexander Chung, Percy Leong and Lee Yen Chei. In this assignment, we were required to select a client within our groupmates and design a life capsule for the client. I was lucky to be chosen as the client. We started to brainstorm and look into different criteria to design a good life capsule. 

Our group decided to have 3 different spaces for different activities after understanding the needs. For the life capsule, we look into mobility and intimacy for the life capsule. Beside that, we learnt to apply ergonomic measurement into the design of spaces in the capsule. During the interim, we showcased our idea with a test model.

We moved on to create a 1 to 1 scaled model.

Our group with the 1 to 1 model.

From this assignment, I learnt to manage our time well to complete the model and presentation board before the submission. Besides, I am also more capable in using interpersonal skills by always communicate ideas with each other through meetings and working together. By designing a real life model, it challenges my problem solving skills to make the model a reality. Throughout the whole process, I gained knowledge about the design principles to be applied in architecture. I am glad to work with my other group members in making the Life Capsule.

Representing Me


For the first assignment in Design Studio, I was required to develop a design concept from my characteristics. This assignment challenge me to discover the inner self by brainstorming. I improved my critical thinking and creative thinking skills throughout the process.
The sculpture represents the perfectionist's thinking in me which I always focus on the imperfection rather than the whole subject. The sculpture translated the idea of the thinking while challenged me to produce a 3D sculpture.

On Site Sketch

I was assigned to conduct 5 on site sketches to communicate the image with some annotations.
From this assignment, I learnt to communicate the image inside my mind through sketching. By choosing a nice angle of view, I am able to present good image to tell the story seen on the site through different perspective. Throughout this assignment, I learnt to draw on site rather than looking at a picture captured from camera. This changes helped me to notice the details and the feelings given from the site and translate it into my sketches.

Hide Out

Our class were assigned to design an hideout for our chosen client and to be placed at the site model.
For the site model, we did our research on different movies and chose Inception as the background movie for the site model. We designed the buildings inspired by the movie.

For the hide out, I chose Haruki Murakami as my client. He is a famous novelist. After conducting a research on his information, I designed a hide out named Story Lane for him. I was inspired by his novel, the Wind-Up Bird Chronicles. By using simple plane, I overlapped it to create a form that appear complicated from far. The building is elevated to appear dreamy as if floating. Lastly, the stairs is extended rather than connected directly to building to give a hint of maze and puzzling. For the interior, the 3 spaces are designed specially for his daily routine which are writing, exercising, reading and listening to music.

  Test model

 Final model

 Final model placed between the site model.

Close up of the final model

Close up of the final model

Interior model of the lower level.
The bookshelves are designed to be able to look through from the outside. This can give the book lovers an exciting feel when they see the large collection of books. 

From both the group and individual assignment, I had chance to improve my workmanship by learning to do model by observing and learning from other coursemates. Apart from it, I learnt to develops different concept from research and inspiration. It is also a challenge for me to combine all the concepts through problem solving skills. From the design process, I had to consider about the anthropometrics and ergonomics for the client. This process indirectly trained me to consider about various factor in architecture to design a good building. I had learnt a lot throughout the assignment.