Lau Wei Ling

Life Capsule

For this assignment, I formed a group with Kimberly Wong, Alexander Chung, Percy Leong and Lee Yen Chei. In this assignment, we were required to select a client within our groupmates and design a life capsule for the client. I was lucky to be chosen as the client. We started to brainstorm and look into different criteria to design a good life capsule. 

Our group decided to have 3 different spaces for different activities after understanding the needs. For the life capsule, we look into mobility and intimacy for the life capsule. Beside that, we learnt to apply ergonomic measurement into the design of spaces in the capsule. During the interim, we showcased our idea with a test model.

We moved on to create a 1 to 1 scaled model.

Our group with the 1 to 1 model.

From this assignment, I learnt to manage our time well to complete the model and presentation board before the submission. Besides, I am also more capable in using interpersonal skills by always communicate ideas with each other through meetings and working together. By designing a real life model, it challenges my problem solving skills to make the model a reality. Throughout the whole process, I gained knowledge about the design principles to be applied in architecture. I am glad to work with my other group members in making the Life Capsule.