Lau Wei Ling

Project 2: Case Study and Documentation of Building Services Systems

The second project required us to look into building services of a medium scale building. To gather information, a site visit to Ikon Connaught is done by our group. Under the guide of Mr. Nazrul, we understand the buildings services system around in depth. 

From overall, it was a fruitful experience to observe and understand the operation of building system at a close range. We are able to identify the building services and analyse the components of the system. 

Project 1: Systems and Service

The first project of the module Building Services applies the theory with practical where the students need to propose the building services of the building from design studio 2. From this project, I had chance to plan components of buildings services and understand the laws relating to the building regulations. It is essential for the design process. 

Project 2: Analysis of a Reinforced Concrete Building

In this project, our group are required to find a detached house floor plan to analyse the beams and columns of the building. First of all, I would like to thank Sim Jia Hui for her help to find the architectural plan.
In this project, I am able to apply the theories and calculations learnt from the module. I learnt to understand the strength requirement of structural elements. The information is useful for the understanding of the safety of structural of a building.

Project 1: Fettuccine Truss Bridge

In a group of five, we were instructed to create a fettuccine truss bridge that are able to withstand the maximum load. From the process, truss analysis were done by calculations to construct stronger fettuccine truss bridge structure.

Contextual Architecture Study and Case Paper Study

Every student is assigned to produce a board and case study on contextual architecture in Asia region. For the first part of the project, I have chosen KLPac as the building to research on.

In this process of producing the research board, I learnt to gather information on contextual and vernacular architecture in Asia. With the acquired information, comparison and verification of contextual and vernacular architecture elements of the selected contemporary building is carried out. In addition, I am able to understand the architecture elements that responds to the context of the place.

In the second part of the assignment, a case study of the chosen topic "culture and multiculturalism affects design" was done. The research paper comprises of analysis regarding the topic with literature review done. From the process, I learnt about information gathering, in-depth analysis and citation method. It is a fruitful experiences to learn about cultures of my country and relate to design aspect.

Case Study Paper

In adaptation

In the module, we are needed to complete exercises based on theme chosen from Invisible Cities written by Italo Calvino.

Exercise 1: Art of Adaptation
In the first exercise, the group of three chose thin cities as our theme. Thin cities are basically fragile cities where the people lives with infernos such as thin structures. The people are fragile as they lived in dangerous situation where the physical conditions of the city are inhumane. From the theme, we translate to the human mind that endures all the instability and craziness that can lead to self destruction.

Exercise 2: Observing the everyday.
On the second part, our group visited Kampung Baru to understand the place. Through observations and research, we can relate the place to the story of the thin cities. Kampung Baru is considered as a place that is fragile as the people faced challenges and difficulties due to the rapid development of Kuala Lumpur.

Exercise 3: Resynthesized an Experiment
Based on the issue chosen from the second exercise, we need to imagine the condition of the place using the vision of Italo Calvino in the future when the issue is neglected. In this exercise, I am able to let imagination took place and visualize the situation of place. In the exercise, I am able to improve my picture editing techniques and capability. 

From the module, it releases the creativity of imaginations and translate it into the physical environment. The application of creativity can avoid rigid thinking that is useful for the future career. The learning process is definitely beneficial as I learnt to think out of the box and also be thoughtful about the development of the place in future. It is essential to consider about the site in the present and future to create good buildings.

Project 2: Centre for elderly

The class is assigned with a site in PJS7 to design an elderly centre. Considerations on the group of elders with their physical and mental needs are looked into in this project. Architecture as a tool to aid with their daily life to fulfill their needs or even dignity.

The site given is located in a suburban context. The site analysis is done by the tutorial group for the start up of the project. 

Site Analysis Board

Site Model

Visceral board of the site

The project of Elderly Centre in suburban context required a lot of considerations given that the context of suburb has a lot of limitations. The residence, traffics, existing structures and nearby buildings are factors that should be given considerations to create building that fits the context and expectations of community. With the first impression of the site, visceral board is produced. The visceral board relates to the concept of the elderly centre.

The elderly centre are to design to cater the needs of the elderly livings. The centre should be functioned more than just a dwelling. It should empowered the elderly life. For instance, health and physical limitations of elderly should be given thought of. The building should also blend in the site and sustainable. The relationship between the spaces are essential to encourage the elder to be active and healthy in mental and physical. 

To be frank, the assignment is really a challenge for me as full considerations should be given during the design process. I am glad that I am able to complete the project despite of all the problems.

Presentation boards of Elderly Centre


Project 1: Furniture for Elderly

As the start of the semester, the class is assigned to design a furniture for elderly. To understand needs of elderly, my partner, Kar Yi and I visited the old folks home to conduct interview and understand their needs and problem. 

From this project, we learnt about the needs of elderly from their health, social and daily life aspect. Their limitations requires more considerations in designing a furniture from ergonomics, material and functions. The furniture 'duo' is designed for the socially active elderly to encourage different social interactions with the elders. Other than that, additional function of function fulfilled the needs of the elder for a bicycle rack.

In a nutshell, the project is a challenge for both of us as it is required to give comfort and practicality for the real life client. All of the design aspects must be given thorough thoughts. I had also gained fundamental experiences that would helped me in the next project.

Presentation board