Lau Wei Ling

Project 1: Furniture for Elderly

As the start of the semester, the class is assigned to design a furniture for elderly. To understand needs of elderly, my partner, Kar Yi and I visited the old folks home to conduct interview and understand their needs and problem. 

From this project, we learnt about the needs of elderly from their health, social and daily life aspect. Their limitations requires more considerations in designing a furniture from ergonomics, material and functions. The furniture 'duo' is designed for the socially active elderly to encourage different social interactions with the elders. Other than that, additional function of function fulfilled the needs of the elder for a bicycle rack.

In a nutshell, the project is a challenge for both of us as it is required to give comfort and practicality for the real life client. All of the design aspects must be given thorough thoughts. I had also gained fundamental experiences that would helped me in the next project.

Presentation board