Lau Wei Ling

Construction Details

The last assignment for the building construction 1 module is to train the understanding of the student to construct the building in the reality. The assignment is integrated with the design from the Design Studio 2. As for the materials for the beach house is decided on the time which is timber and steel, the students are required to conduct research on the building anatomy and produce a presentation to describe about the construction details of the beach house.

This assignment helps us to revise and apply what we learnt in the module previously. The understanding of the building construction would help us to be practical in designing building. The knowledge about the pros and cons of a material can be applied in my future assignments.

Site Visit

In this assignment, we were required to conduct a site visit to experience the scene of construction. Our group visited the residential buildings' construction site under the company of the project manager and contractor. From this assignment, we had a chance to experience the construction site and understood about building structures theoretically and practically. We are engaged to scene on the site that would help us to learn better about different processes, plants and construction materials. I had done my part in the roofs constructed in the site. Lastly, this assignment is beneficial for that I have gained precious experiences and knowledge.

Precedent Studies.

In the Architecture Culture and History 2 module, we were assigned to do precedent studies of the Modern Masters. For the first part of the assignment, our group did an analysis on Villa Tugendhat. From the assignment, I learnt about techniques to investigate the buildings from different aspects to learn about the architectural theory applied to the building. The assignment taught us about the knowledge about how design responded to the needs of the family and functions. It is beneficial for my learning in architecture.

The presentation board of the analysis of Villa Tugendhat

For the second part of the assignment, I was required to further study and analyse on the topic chosen which is facade and compare with another building from another modern master. This assignment helps me to understand the intrinsic meaning behind the design of a facade. The understanding is further strengthen by looking into the philosophy related to the architect and expound it with the comparative essay. In a nutshell, the learning outcomes for the both assignment are satisfying.

Nature and Us

'Nature and Us' is an assignment that is divided into two parts which is an informative essay and a research poster.

The assignment discussed about the existing environmental issues related. The three of us, Farah, Cindy and I chose to do on the topic "The air pollution caused by thermal power plant in Malaysia." Malaysia is a country where the Malaysians depended on the generation of thermal power for electricity. However, most of the people are not aware about the energy sources and by-effect caused by the energy generation. Environmental issues are frequently ignored by the society. This assignment urges the society to take action to solve the issue.

We did a thorough research on the topic which includes the power sources in Malaysia, types of fossil fuels, the pollutant produced by the thermal plant and the solutions to the problem persist.

From overall, the assignment is very wakening and eye-opener for me. Through the research process, I gained knowledge about the issue and the technology used to solve the problem. I learnt about researching methods for the information required and organised to present the overall idea. Other than that, I learnt that environmental issue should be a factor that would influence the design of the building in order to reduce the impact caused. 

Project 3 Beach House

We were required to further design a retreat house in the existing site from the site analysis for JK Rowling by working individually. The beach house is defined as a habitable architectural space that offers daily functional spaces for a retreat.

The -Esque is a suffix term resembling the style of the person or the era. JK Rowling has no limit to her writing style as she wants to try different genre of stories. Therefore, it is left with -Esque where the blank can be filled with different terms. 

The beach house is designed with the concept Introvert and Datum derived from her personality and writing style while coping up with her lifestyle as well. Datum resembles the storyline that links the different events and characters in her story. In the retreat house, the connector in Datum works as the central of the circulation in the house in which it connects to all the functional spaces. The building is chose to build near to the Picnic Pavilion while distanced from the obstacle course available at the site. The forest located close to the building would provide natural barrier to the house for privacy and security.

The Site Analysis

The Presentation Boards

Sketch Models

The Final Model placed on the Site Models

The Interior of the building.

From the final assignment, I improved myself to develop a concrete concept from an idea through brainstorming skills. Besides that, I gained understanding about the better translation of concepts to avoid rigid designs. I learnt about the spatial organisation that facilitate the quality of the lifestyle in which is an important criterion for retreat house. I felt that the assignment is beneficial for knowledge about materiality, spatial, building features function, views, ergonomics and user's needs. The series of learning process has trained my skills on architectural works. 

Project 2 Picnic Pavilion

We were assigned to produce a picnic pavilion for the client of our choice besides of conducting a site analysis of a site given in Port Dickson.

To start with, our site is placed on a slope close to the sea. As required, a detailed analysis was carried out on the physical, social and cultural attributions of the site. To have a better understanding of the site, we had explored the surroundings and drew a few sketches. Besides that, we learnt about the methodology to measures and record our findings about the characteristics of the site and analyse the strength, weakness, opportunities and threat of the given site.

Besides learning about the methodology of site analysis, I am exposed to the site context of the slope such as the sun path, circulation, wind direction and much more. The understanding can help us to come out with better design that is functional under the site without compromising to the condition of the site.

Cindy and I paired up to design the Picnic Pavilion for JK Rowling which is a famous novelist. Picnic Pavilion is a building designed specially for picnicking, resting and enjoying the view.   We developed the concept from her life which is Suprematism and Introversion. Besides that, we tried to applied the architectonics learnt from the previous project. We developed our concepts into design as the assignment progressed.

In a nutshell, I had learnt about considerations should be given equally to the site context, client needs while designing a functional structure and spaces inside. Every aspects of the design should be taken care well to produce a good design that are able to distinguish from others.

Project 1 Famous People, Familiar Faces

To begin with, this project introduced us to the modern masters and their works by investigating the architectural elements applied in the chosen building. For our group, we did Farnsworth house designed by Mies Van Der Rohe. Mies Van Der Rohe is famous for the minimalist and simplicity in the design. We analysed the form and spaces in the building and translated it into diagrammatic expression drawings and models. Concepts such as transparency, hierarchy, proportions can be derived from the Farnsworth house. Different concepts and keyword are highlighted from the Farnsworth house. The concepts will be further developed in the next project as well.

Throughout the learning process, I am able to learn about precedent studies about modern architecture with the group. The analysis of the works had inspired me by gaining understanding about the concept and philosophy of each modern master. I also learnt that different materials, forms and alignment of structures can represent the concepts derived. The diagrammatic expression skills will be useful to communicate ideas in the future.