Lau Wei Ling

Nature and Us

'Nature and Us' is an assignment that is divided into two parts which is an informative essay and a research poster.

The assignment discussed about the existing environmental issues related. The three of us, Farah, Cindy and I chose to do on the topic "The air pollution caused by thermal power plant in Malaysia." Malaysia is a country where the Malaysians depended on the generation of thermal power for electricity. However, most of the people are not aware about the energy sources and by-effect caused by the energy generation. Environmental issues are frequently ignored by the society. This assignment urges the society to take action to solve the issue.

We did a thorough research on the topic which includes the power sources in Malaysia, types of fossil fuels, the pollutant produced by the thermal plant and the solutions to the problem persist.

From overall, the assignment is very wakening and eye-opener for me. Through the research process, I gained knowledge about the issue and the technology used to solve the problem. I learnt about researching methods for the information required and organised to present the overall idea. Other than that, I learnt that environmental issue should be a factor that would influence the design of the building in order to reduce the impact caused.