Lau Wei Ling

Precedent Studies and Analysis Part 3

For the last part of the assignment, our group produced a 3D abstraction model to show the most significant part of the building.

As for the Temple of Hatshepsut, the most importance characteristic of the building would be the colonnade. The Temple of Hatshepsut uses the repetition of columns to produce the basic structure of the building. By then, our group decided to show the arrangement of the colonnades in the temple.
The temple consists of two types of the columns which is cylindrical and rectangular.

From this assignment, we learnt about the structure of the specific building. The assignment helps us to develop clear idea about the ancient architecture of the building. Apart from that, the model require us to develop critical and creative thinking skills to show the essence of the building. Our group has to discuss between each other and think of an idea to make a good model to show the colonnades. In addition, I had develop interpersonal skills to work in the group and lead the group to make progress before the submission. We had to tolerate with each other timetable and also acknowledge other's opinion. Last but not least, I learnt to develop better time management skills to handle assignments at a short period of time.