Lau Wei Ling

Project 2: Genius Loci: Site analysis and concept development

Worked as group, we were required to discover about the genius loci of a place. Genius loci of Sungai Lembing will then be development into a concept to be applied in the V.I.C in project 3.

In this assignment, I sketched about different scenes that I found interesting about Sungai Lembing. All of the sketches had different elements that can be noticed in Sungai Lembing. It shows a timeline of Revival in Sungai Lembing. Hence, the concept developed is Revival.

From this assignment, I learnt about methodology of site analysis and understand the SWOT of a place. Besides that, I am also able to generate concept from sketches and translate the concept into design of a building. The process of designing are more interesting with the introduction of genius loci of the place.