Lau Wei Ling

Case Study: Basic building design strategies

From this assignment, our group had a chance to investigate and analyse the design strategies that had been applied in the building chosen. Although the weather was hazy when we visited the place, we managed to obtain the information required.

I gained knowledge about the comfort level of the people and design strategies that can help to achieve the thermal comfort. From the building, I learnt that passive design can really help to create comfortable environment. For example, the atrium in the college have air ventilation that can cool the area. The place was windy when we last visited. Passive design is really unnoticeable without the knowledge about basic design strategies. From building materials to the plants and greeneries to ventilations and sunshading to zoning, all these strategies are important to create building that are environmental friendly. From the module, I am able to learn about basic design strategies and passive design. I am able to identify the passive designs with what I learnt.

Other than that, I realised that aesthetic and green designs can be balanced. The campus is aesthetically pleasing while it is also categorized as one of the green buildings in Singapore. None of the two were be sacrificed.

In a nutshell, I learnt a lot from the module.