
Lau Wei Ling

Architecture Degree Project


A piece of architecture in the urban environment requires insights of the surrounding context, cultural knowledge and social norms. Given the project site which is located in Kuala Lumpur, the development of the architectural position and solutions to urban and social issue are essential for design development of the project on site. In coherence to the theme 'sustaining humanities' and 'future of the asian cities', the project requires in depth macro and micro analysis. 

Working in groups, we investigate on issues related on site and responded by providing design solutions and architectural position. As followed, we developed the architecture position of the building that act as a catalyst for the event happening around the place. 


Continuing from the site analysis. design development of the architecture project is aligned with the theme 'sustaining humanities' with the place, time and people. From the place of people, the culture and history of a place is observe and captured into the movement pattern and arrangement of space. Together with the program found around the site, the place is identify to host festivals, promote culture and encourage interactions between people. 

Floor Plans


Interior Renderings

Exterior Renderings

Project Management

Project Management is a module that introduce management skills and techniques in developing projects in construction industry. For the module, two projects are conducted to practise and apply the theory into use.

Project 1:
Defining and Documenting a Project

Project 2:
Documentation of a Medium Sized Project

Project 2: Community Library

Architectural design studio final project focus on the design of building in a urban site for the local community. The existing context of the place requires student to give attention to the surrounding context and community to design a community library for the local community.

The community library is a place of bringing the community together. From the site analysis, the Jalan Petaling site was rich in cultural and historical value. As time progress, the Chinese culture in the Petaling Street is fading as the foreign labourers are flooding and closing down of traditional Chinese business. The reducing size of Chinese community slowly take away the essence of 
Chinatown. Hence, the community library focus on bridging the gap between the young community and local Chinese community which might bring new possibilities to Chinatown. 

Progress Mock Up Models
